Everything you do creates change.

The theory of cause and effect is the notion that allows us to transform everything about ourselves and influence the world around us, enabling us to become more of what we desire and expect. Our intentions, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, surge forever perceptible in the form of energy. That energy has the power to affect not only the world and individuals that most closely make up our reality, but also billions of others that we may never meet. The impact of our energy can be remarkable, and we must assume personal responsibility for the influences we are establishing for and upon other people. By recognizing the force of our energy, we possess the power to manipulate our reality in the present moment.

As we begin to manipulate the reality around us, we will start to see the shift of our focus narrowing down into creating real change. We will also increase the likelihood that people around us will be tapped into listening with the intent of shifting their truth as well. It is true that not everyone we encounter will awaken with us. We will engage in those conversations with the person standing next to us, and in most circumstances, they will not be able to comprehend what we are saying or that we may be in the process of observing ourselves in a state of awareness. However, it is imperative to man’s continued evolution that we provide those around us with tools they can use to realize their true potential. As Aristotle said, “All causes are beginnings…” We must learn to be “the cause” for others beginnings. Not all will choose to utilize the tools we provide. These individuals will remain ignorant to the state of sleep they rest at, experiencing only an on-going state of discontentment which they are unable to identify the source of. We are not responsible for their choice in awakening. However, the influence we exert is infinite.

Though we are diligent in our Work and our own personal evolution, employing the truth of cause and effect, we will never truly know how our actions and emotions will manifest themselves on the larger universal scale. It is likely that the furthest-reaching effects will fall outside our range of perception. There is not always a one-to-one relationship in cause and effect. It is important to stress that sometimes one cause may have several effects, or several causes may lead to one effect. But, it is only by remembering ourselves and looking to the guidance of our conscience and those more evolved than we are that will assist us in determining whether each and every one of our choices is contributing to our awakening or paving the way to unintended obstacles. As an awakened being that is motivated by a sincere desire to shift the paradigm for ourselves, and possibly those around us, we will be naturally drawn to those choices that assist in expressing our commitment to the universal awakening, regardless of how many others choose to follow us down this path.

Nothing you do, however seemingly inconsequential or mundane, is ever exempt from the rules of cause and effect. This leads me into the importance of personal responsibility. As stated by Chuck Gallozzi, “personal responsibility is nothing other than the freedom to create our own lives.” I recently conducted my own personal experiment with the individuals I work with, most of them being women. For many years, it’s been apparent to me that when dealing with women, in order to get them to listen to a suggestion, you must first get them to relate to the topic by establishing an emotional response. Whenever a change needs to be made, and our team is in “brain-storming” mode, in order for me to get the desired response from them, I always lead my sentences with “I feel like…” This will get them into the “feeling” mode, and it will make them more likely to relate to my feelings. When sitting at the table of managers (mostly men), I have to shift my ideas and present them with “I think that…” or “This is how it is when…” This lets them know that my suggestion isn’t a feminine, emotional response, and allows them to be more open to the idea.

Maybe it’s my feminist nature, but I have always been reluctant to approach the group of women using the “I feel…” method because I find it degrading to the feminist movement. I resorted to doing so in order to have the changes implemented in my favor which was, in itself, a manipulation of the situation for a desired result. However, recently, I’ve shifted my method of approach. I refrained from using the “I feel like…” slant within the team of women and began using “I think…” At first, the impact was nothing short of hostile. The initial body language of the women in the group took on a defensive form and more arguments arose before a final decision was made. Given that my boss is female, she even initially ceased supporting me during the discussions when before we were typically in agreement. After six full weeks of this experiment, it has only recently started to lessen in the effect it initially created. I have even noticed that two of the other women have started to use the “I think” approach when presenting their ideas.

The experiment listed above is a small example of cause and effect and the personal responsibility for creating a desired effect, but it is unknown at this time just how much of an impact this shift is going to have. I wonder if any of the women have started using the “I think…” approach with their husbands? And if any have, I wonder if it is a positive or negative effect? And though the shift is small, sometimes it is the diminutive, subtle changes that can lead to the relief of everyday stresses that weigh us down, allowing us the time and energy to devote to other areas of our lives. It is our own personal responsibility to eliminate the mindsets of “life isn’t fair” or “it’s not my fault I am the way I am,” and take charge of the energy we generate. Otherwise, we will have the same definition of responsibility as that of Ambrose Bierce (1842 ~ 1914): “RESPONSIBILITY, n. A detachable burden easily shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate, Fortune, Luck or one’s neighbor. In the days of astrology it was customary to unload it upon a star.” This type of thinking only perpetuates the lulling slumber we should so desperately be trying to awaken from.

Focus your energy to create a desired effect that has the potential to shift the paradigms for all involved.

Everything you do creates change.

1. http://www.personal-development.com/chuck/responsibility.htm

2. From “The Devil’s Dictionary”